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Days 120-122  🌎 57+21 miles - Overland Scooter

Days 120-122  🌎 57+21 miles

Daily Summary:
8:30 AM to 3:30 PM
Pierce’s Green Valley Campground to Lewis and Clark CG.
Stayed at Campground for three nights to avoid the heat and traffic of the Labor Day weekend. Also rode into Waitsburg a couple of times but did not use the GPS APP.

Odometer:  4,507 – 4,564 + 21 to/from town.
Average Speed: 15.5 mph
Climb: 2876 ft. — Descend:  1869 ft.
85-100° F : Mostly Tailwinds on first day.

Battery Performance:
Note:  All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.

—  120 thru 122 —

What a spectacular wheat harvest!

I’m sure glad that this year I missed it!

Walla Walla Washington Harvested Wheat Fields

In 2011, riding my bicycle from Colorado to Crater Lake in Oregon, I wasn’t so fortunate.

Don’t get me wrong; I AM extremely thankful for the amazing crops that God allows us to grow.

And I am in awe of the farmers and their machines that cultivate and harvest this abundance.

But the peak of harvest season is not the best time of year for bicycles (or scooters) to share the road with huge semi-trucks loaded with grain or hay.

In 2011, in Idaho, I was nearly pushed off a road with a narrow shoulder when a truck overloaded with rolls of hay crowded the shoulder even though no oncoming traffic was in sight.

I was sorry back then for the not-so-kind words that I yelled after the driver passed, but, thankfully, these days it seems like there are fewer farm trucks and, especially around Yakima, the drivers have seemed more than willing to use the opposite lane when the road is obviously clear.

Thank you farmers and drivers. I stand amazed!

And I also hang-in-the-hammock in rest.

Lewis and Clark CG. Waitsburg, WA

I wasn’t sure where, or if, I would have a place to camp this weekend given the holiday, but kindly I was Directed to the Lewis and Clark Campground just east of Waitsburg, WA.

You may notice that this is the second Lewis and Clark Campground that I’ve stayed at, the first being the CCC Camp with the record, 135′ tall flagpole. (See Day 114 and the photo of 4-year old Salem standing on my scooter.)

The first campground, near Chehalis, WA, was much larger and more developed than this one, but both were $12 per-night for the primitive, hiker/bicyclist sites.

I need to start limiting my expenses because prices for everything have escalated enormously, so these “reasonably-priced” camping options are very much appreciated.

Even more-so appreciated is the few times during the trip so far that someone has allowed me to stay free of charge.

This has only happened three time so far, but each time it has been a real encouragement and blessing to me.

Library Sculpture Downtown Waitsburg, WA

For those of you wondering why I don’t mention these kind persons by name, I hope you will consider that not everyone is like minded in generosity or kindness.

No doubt if I mentioned these places specifically, far too many unscrupulous travelers would go there asking for, and expecting to get, a free stay also.

Sculpture in Downtown Waitsburg Across from the Grocery Store

I have never asked for a free stay anywhere, and I have always asked for permission before charging the scooter anywhere.

Also, everywhere that I have charged the scooter I have been able to purchase (way too much!) food or other items that would offset the minimal cost of the electricity that I have used.

If you include the value of the blood that I’ve donated to the local mosquitoes at some of these places, I hope you will find that in this particular Journey it truly is, “more blessed to give than to receive. “

That said, I hope that these brief Journey excerpts have been enjoyable and useful to at least a few.

According to the recent stats, there have now been over 5,000 views of this blog.

If you’re reading this, you’re not yet included in those stats, but you will be in the future.

I certainly hope that you and your friends find something of benefit as you share this Journey with me.

Touchet River Lewis and Clark CG, Waitsburg, WA

Many Blessings to us ALL!…

Don’t forget to follow us (eventually) on
YouTube and Patreon !

💫 💫 💫 💫 💫

By ScootingRich

ScootingRich has been teaching, working and volunteering in various capacities since 2007. He is currently attempting to demonstrate the viability of personal electric vehicles (PEV) for long-range travel by riding his Kaabo Wolf King GT electric scooter on a 21,000-mile adventure from Colorado, USA north to Alaska and then south to Argentina and ultimately to the shore of Antarctica. You are welcome to share in this epic journey by following us on YouTube and Patreon.


  1. Praying for a continued hedge of protection over you bud.
    I imagine the log trucks up here were similar to the loaded grain trucks eh ?

    1. True, Shawn. Very similar, and sometimes the big RVs get pretty close, too. I’m sitting out this Monday for that reason. There will probably be a lot of campers returning home on Labor Day. I’m going to wait until Tuesday to take up the final stretch back to Colorado. I sure hope you’re off today and enjoying the kids.

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