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September 2022 - Overland Scooter

Day 146  🌎 77 miles

Daily Summary:8:30 AM to 4:45 PM Jeff and Janelle’s Hardin Ranch to Ranchester Connor Battlefield Historic Site CG. Charge for 3.5 hours at Lodge Grass Crow Baptist Church at 38 miles. Odometer:  5,377 – 5,454Average Speed: 18.2 mph Climb: 1272 ft. — Descend:  830 ft.55-88° F : Headwinds 5-10 mph. Battery Performance:Note:  All charging and…… Continue reading Day 146  🌎 77 miles

Day 145  🌎 9 miles

Daily Summary:8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Hardin KOA to Milk Bucket Bakery to fix flat trailer tire. Then to Jeff and Janelle’s farm to camp. Odometer:  5,368 – 5,377Average Speed: 0 mph Climb: 0 ft. — Descend:  0 ft.55-80° F : Did not turn on GPS because never got out of town. Battery Performance:Note:  All…… Continue reading Day 145  🌎 9 miles

Day 144  🌎 51 miles

Daily Summary:8:30 AM to 2:45 PM Billings KOA to Hardin KOA Odometer:  5,317 – 5,368Average Speed: 19.5 mph Climb: 2598 ft. — Descend: 2810 ft.55-75° F : Tailwind and sidewinder from north 5-10 mph. Battery Performance:Note:  All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.…… Continue reading Day 144  🌎 51 miles

Day 143  🌎  48 miles

Daily Summary:9:00 AM to 2:45 PM Columbus to Billings KOA Charged 1.75 hours at 6 amps in Laurel at 29 miles. Odometer:  5,269 – 5,317Average Speed: 20.4 mph Climb: 837 ft. — Descend:  1295 ft.55-75° F :  Winds calm a start then gusts to 30 mph tailwind and from the side. Battery Performance:Note:  All charging…… Continue reading Day 143  🌎  48 miles

Day 142  🌎 7 miles

Daily Summary:8:30 AM to 4:45 PM Columbus, MT Odometer:  5,262 – 5,269Average Speed: 0 mph Climb: 0 ft. — Descend:  0 ft.45-55° F : Wind Gusting all directions 30-60 mph. Battery Performance:Note:  All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date. —  142 –…… Continue reading Day 142  🌎 7 miles

Day 141  🌎 46 miles

Daily Summary:11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Big Timber Super 8 Motel to Columbus Itch-Kep-Pi Campground Odometer:  5,216 – 5,262Average Speed: 18.4 mph Climb: 1200 ft. — Descend:  1727 ft.50-70° F : Wind Variable 5 mph. Began Gusting after setting up camp in the late afternoon. Battery Performance:Note:  All charging and range data after the World…… Continue reading Day 141  🌎 46 miles

Day 140  🌎 39 miles

Daily Summary:10:00 AM to 2:30 PMLivingston Campground to Big Timber, MT Super 8 Motel Odometer:  5,177 – 5,216Average Speed: 17 ? mph Climb: 1418 ft. — Descend:  1804 ft.45-55° F : Wind Gusting all directions 10-30 mph. Battery Performance:Note:  All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format…… Continue reading Day 140  🌎 39 miles