Daily Summary:
11:00 AM to 3:30 PM — Average Speed:Â 16 mph
  Stewart, BC to view bears at Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site
Odometer: 3,261 – 3,276 miles
Climb: 664 ft. — Descend: 522 ft.
55-65° F : Sunny after morning clouds that lasted until 11 AM.
Battery Performance:
Note: All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.
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Finally, I’m on my last ride day to complete Segment 1 of my Journey: Colorado to Alaska!
After about 7 hours of good solar charging yesterday I was confident that I had enough charge to make it to Hyder, Alaska and back to Stewart, BC.

I even decided to ride farther than just to the border and continued another 4 miles to the beautiful and world-famous Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site where both black bears AND grizzlies can be viewed close up gulping down some of the largest chum salmon in the world: 30-40 inches long and weighing up to 40 pounds!

What a feast for these voracious omnivores (they’ll eat ANYTHING!) as they bulk up for winter hibernation and almost DOUBLE THEIR WEIGHT gorging themselves on berries and huge fish.
Even the wolves seem to enjoy the delectable fresh seafood and one wandered into Fish Creek the morning before I got there looking for a salmon breakfast.
At the moment only a few salmon are coming up the river so only a few bears and wolves have been seen. But the weather is supposed to rain (again) this weekend so perhaps that will trigger a spawning run for the now-schooling fish.
I’m hoping to stop by Fish Creek at least one more time next week when I make the attempt to get to the top of Salmon Glacier on the scooter (but without pulling the trailer).
I’m told that the steep, gravel, rock-strewn, deeply potholed road with extreme drop-offs and no guard rails might be too much for me and the Wolf GT to bear (pun intended), but I hope to find out in a few days.
In the meanwhile I’m waiting again for sunshine and/or my new charger to arrive in Stewart.
In a few weeks, after a 16-hour ferry ride from Prince Rupert, BC to Vancouver Island, I may find myself back in “civilization” again.
I’m not sure what that will be like after all this time waiting and hanging up in the woods, but for now I’m going to enjoy the slow pace, clean air, cool mornings, large wildlife, and moments of sunshine, and even the ever-persistent rain!

The Park Rangers at Fish Creek were very intrigued by my scooter Journey as was everyone who came to the viewing area that day.
When I mentioned my future plans to ride to the Salmon Glacier Summit next week they seriously questioned my sanity, but both wished me well.
“One thing is for certain,” they said. “If you make it to Salmon Glacier you’ll be the very first person EVER to do so riding an electric scooter!”
Another First for the books!…
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