Daily Summary:
10:00 AM to 2:00 PM — Average Speed: 18.6 Fraser Lake CG to Burns Lake Community Campground (FREE)
Odometer: 2,841 – 2,888 miles
Climb: 1,529 ft. — Descend: 1,579 ft.
65-85° F : Sunny. 10-20 mph TAIL winds.
Battery Performance:
Note: All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.
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Last night was the First time that I ever hung my hammock between a tree and a piece of exercise equipment.
With the gentle breeze off the lake to keep the mosquitoes away and the thick soft grass rendering footware unnecessary, it was a very restful night at White Swan Beach in Fraser Lake.
Today was the First Day that I covered a lot of miles on the actual traffic surface of the road instead of on the shoulder.
Traffic was fairly light at times, so I took to the regular road re-surface rather than fight the rocks, gulleys and debris on the very, VERY poorly maintained shoulder.
However, whenever it was necessary for me to dart onto the treacherous, narrow right side of the white line, I noticed that the increased drag of the rough surface was very significant.
I’m guessing that I would get at least 20% more range out of the battery if I could ride on the smoother, main road surface all of the time.
I recall that the day that I got the longest distance from a single battery charge, I was mostly riding on the main road until the last few miles when I was entering the city and then had to ride on the debris-laden shoulder.
Not only are the British Columbia road shoulders (or lack thereof) highly inefficient to travel on, they are also extremely DANGEROUS!
Several times during my travels in BC, I have very nearly crashed because of extreme gulleys or potholes in the too-narrow shoulder area.
I predict that not a few people are going to die traveling on the neglected British Columbia roads, and those deaths will rest squarely on the shoulders of all those persons who are deliberately deciding to ignore the condition of their public thoroughfares.
Today was also the First day that I ever met a person who hit a moose with a vehicle. (Actually, until today I never met anyone who ever hit a moose with anything!)
She said the collision happened six days ago, and that her vehicle was totalled.
She also said that she was blessed to be alive.
Aren’t we all? (Especially all those of us traveling on poorly maintained roadways!)
Today was also the First day that I shared my campsite with another couple.
They were from England and driving a Coachmen camper van. They pulled into the Burns Lake Community Campground around 8 PM.
All of the free campsites were occupied, and they slowly drove around looking a bit disheartened.
Since I already had my hammock up and the trailer and scooter covered for the predicted rain tomorrow morning, I knew that I wouldn’t be using the front area if my camp site, so I walked out to their vehicle and offered it to them.
They seemed happy to park in the slightly-uneven open space, and I soon smelled some very tasty dinner fragrances coming from their coach.
Then the lightning, thunder and torrential downpour hit.
So much for the forecast predicting “showers” in the morning…
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