Daily Summary:
11:50 AM to 5:30 PM — Average Speed: 17.2 Hixon Kreekside Motel and Campground to Prince George Blue Cedars RV
Odometer: 2,688 – 2,736 miles
Climb: 2,949 ft. — Descend: 2,366 ft.
60-75° F : Sunny. 10-20 mph head winds.
Battery Performance:
Note: All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.
— 51 —
Today was a very nice day, and I took a bit of extra time packing up in order to enjoy the sunshine and let some of my camping items dry out in the warm breeze.
During my packing the man who owns the RV Park came out to chat.
His name was Yusef.
We had a very nice conversation and I was once again reminded of how many people have been–and still are–affected by wars and violence, not to mention “normal” events like droughts, floods and famines.
I’m very fortunate.
Lately, it seems that I have always had ample time to think about a great deal of things that others have not considered.
I’m sorry to say that I haven’t always put these opportunities to good use.
We all know that “too much” thinking creates a plethora of problems, but I’ve often observed the other side of the coin, as well: too little thinking, or mindless, careless thoughts lead just as quickly to negative consequences.
The adage is certainly true: “Sow a thought and reap an act.”
The Good news is that this adage works BOTH ways: good thoughts lead just as surely to good outcomes as bad thoughts lead to negative results.
I had the opportunity to be upset quite a few times today, and this blog also makes it all too easy to easy to vent those frustrations, but I am going to choose to think differently.
Today I would like to thank God again for the life He has enabled me to enjoy and share.
There have been many challenges, but there have also been many rewarding moments.
I find that it does my heart good to think about things clearly and truthfully.
I find that it’s much more enlivening to be thankful rather than to be upset.
I choose joy!
How about you?
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So happy to have met you Richard and heard some of your wisdom. I appreciate that you allowed me to to ask you questions and pictures. Safe travels and I s as m following your journey.
Thank you for your kind words, Shirley. When I was teaching, I often told my students: “I’m going to give you some useful advice, but keep in mind that useful advice is only helpful if you use it.”