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Day 83  🌎 45 miles - Overland Scooter

Day 83  🌎 45 miles

Daily Summary:
11:30 AM to 6:00 PM — Stewart, BC to Salmon Glacier Summit Viewpoint

Odometer:  3,276 – 3,321 miles
Average Speed: 12.3 mph
Climb: 3654 ft. — Descend:  3903 ft.
50-65° F : Sunny after morning clouds until 9 AM.

Battery Performance:
Note:  All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.

—  83 —

Today was the First day ever that an electric scooter was ridden to the Summit Viewpoint of Salmon Glacier, the fifth largest Glacier in Canada and the largest Glacier in the world that is accessible by road.

Salmon Glacier

I also stopped by the Fish Creek Wildlife Observation Site again on my way back from the Glacier.

This time I was able to see four large salmon enjoying the beautiful stretch of river where they and several thousands of their friends will eventually spawn and then die.

Road to Salmon Glacier

Today was also the very First day on my trip where I met a very curious young black bear. Once again I got “that look” as he couldn’t figure out what to do with me while walking slowly towards me down the middle of the dirt road.

And, once again, just as I began to get the phone camera out of the scooter mount for a picture, a car came along and the bear headed for the brush.

The weather has been very nice in Stewart for the past few days and the lack of mosquitoes is a real blessing.

Peaks Near Salmon Glacier

I’m getting antsy about heading back to busy highways and people traffic, but I’ve got to get going if I’m going to complete Segment 2 of my trip before Fall settles into the high Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Now I just need to figure out a way to get from Meziadin Lake to Kitwanga, Terrace or Prince Rupert so I can catch the ferry to Vancouver Island…

Don’t forget to follow us (eventually) on
YouTube and Patreon !

💫 💫 💫 💫 💫

By ScootingRich

ScootingRich has been teaching, working and volunteering in various capacities since 2007. He is currently attempting to demonstrate the viability of personal electric vehicles (PEV) for long-range travel by riding his Kaabo Wolf King GT electric scooter on a 21,000-mile adventure from Colorado, USA north to Alaska and then south to Argentina and ultimately to the shore of Antarctica. You are welcome to share in this epic journey by following us on YouTube and Patreon.

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