Daily Summary:
9:00 AM to 2:45 PM
Columbus to Billings KOA
Charged 1.75 hours at 6 amps in Laurel at 29 miles.
Odometer: 5,269 – 5,317
Average Speed: 20.4 mph
Climb: 837 ft. — Descend: 1295 ft.
55-75Β° F : Winds calm a start then gusts to 30 mph tailwind and from the side.
Battery Performance:
Note: All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.
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Last night the sunset was red and the morning has dawned a beautiful, calm day, proving the mariners adage: “Red sky at night, sailors delight. Red sky in morning, sailors take warni g.”
I’m looking forward to the ride to Billings. The first 27 miles to Laurel will be on Old US Highway 10.

The wind began calm, but after about 45 minutes it was a 20-30 mph tailwind almost all the way into Laurel.

The first place I discovered in Laurel was the Lions’ Park: the most perfect charging location that I have ever seen on this trip.
It was modern, meticulously maintained, large, covered and clean with plenty of outlets.

Outside it was surrounded with soft green grass, plenty of benches, a beautiful lake with a walking path all around. Even the restrooms were clean and convenient.

I put on my AfterShokz headphones selected an audio book biography about George Muller and almost took a short nap on the grass while I enjoyed the warm sun and a gentle breeze.
I think this morning has been perhaps the most relaxing few hours that I’ve had on this Journey so far.
I am so grateful to God for bringing me here, and I’m so thankful that the Laurel Lions Club has been so diligent and conscientious in creating this idyllic, restful community park.
I’m going to look for a nice place to have lunch before leaving for Billings.

As you know, I don’t enjoy riding through big cities, and Billings will be the last large metro area that I go through in Montana.
The Billings KOA will also be the First place on this Journey to have a repeat visit.
It will also be the last.

What a way to go out!

The perfect ending to a perfect day.
Thank You, Lord!

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