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Day 141  🌎 46 miles - Overland Scooter

Day 141  🌎 46 miles

Daily Summary:
11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Big Timber Super 8 Motel to Columbus Itch-Kep-Pi Campground

Odometer:  5,216 – 5,262
Average Speed: 18.4 mph
Climb: 1200 ft. — Descend:  1727 ft.
50-70° F : Wind Variable 5 mph. Began Gusting after setting up camp in the late afternoon.

Battery Performance:
Note:  All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.

—  141 —

It rained last night and it was a cold morning.

I’m so thankful that I had a warm room, even though I didn’t sleep because I couldn’t use the hammock.

Super 8 Hotel Room in Big Timber, MT

Oh well, perhaps one day I’ll be able to actually sleep in a bed or on the ground again…

I waited at the hotel until check-out time to blog a little and for the temperature to get above 55°F so the battery would last longer.

See, I can be taught!

After a semi-quick, 27-mile scoot to Reed Point, I found myself in a friendly, delightful little town enjoying conversation with the locals and charging up at The Old West RV Park across from the town store/gas station.

Reed Point Store

The town held its “Running of the Sheep Festival” on Labor Day.

You can still see the numbers marked on the street where the vendors positioned their booths.

Vendor Stations Marked on the Sheep-Run Through Town
Reed Point “Running of the Sheep” Labor Day Festival

I was told that this event is a parody of the “Running of the Bulls” celebration in Spain.

I’ll bet it was quite a spectacle!

I wonder if they offered a “You’re Nuts” burger as the punishment prize for the last place finisher (hee, hee).

After a quick lunch of Dot’s Mustard-Flavored Preztles, a small bag of Spicy Jerkey, a green Gatorade and a huckleberry ice cream sandwich, I got back on the freeway and headed for Columbus, MT.

Charging at The Old West RV Park in Reed Point, MT

I was wondering what the afternoon and evening would bring given the ominous dark clouds headed my direction and the early morning television forecast at the hotel calling for winds up to 60-mph during the next couple of days.

I’m hoping to wait out the winds in Columbus, if the city campground isn’t too bad.

Upon arriving at Itch-Kep-Pi City Park in Columbus, I was ecstatic to discover that it is a perfect place for personal electric vehicles!

Itch-Kep-Pi City Park in Columbus, MT

There’s a covered shelter, nearby toilets with three type-A receptacles readily available, and the plugs are located under an overhanging roof area, and it’s ALL FREE TODAY!

Simply wonderful!

Great job Columbus!

The Town of Drummond could sure learn from you.

I found that this is a Great place to charge, a Great place to hang out and a Great place to get caught up on my blogging: AND IT’S FREE! (Though donations are much appreciated to fund the park’s upkeep and I did make a modest contribution that I know won’t go very far but it may encourage the City to keep up the good work.)

The wind was expected to gust up to 50 mph or more beginning in the early tomorrow morning but it actually began just before sunset.

Getting Ready for High Winds at Itch-Kep-Pi Park

The forecast is for warmer temperatures accompanied by the high winds through tomorrow afternoon.

Since my next stop is Billings, MT, if the wind does come up I am going to wait it out here in Columbus.

If you recall, at the beginning of my trip I encountered extremely high winds in Billings on Days 14, 15, 16 and had to wait a couple of days at the KOA.

The Winds Began Early. Let’s Go Fly a Hammock!

I can’t afford any more high-priced accommodations since last night at the Big Timber Super 8 hotel was very expensive (but it was nice to get warm after a few days in the cold wind of Livingston and to stay dry during last night’s rain showers!)

I’m so very thankful that God is taking such great care of me ALWAYS!

Tonight and tomorrow I will be warm and dry again, and that is always a wonderful blessing, indeed.

Besides if I could take a shower, which I can’t, I wouldn’t even need to use a hair dryer to blow it dry!…

Just Swingin’ In The Wind!

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💫 💫 💫 💫 💫

By ScootingRich

ScootingRich has been teaching, working and volunteering in various capacities since 2007. He is currently attempting to demonstrate the viability of personal electric vehicles (PEV) for long-range travel by riding his Kaabo Wolf King GT electric scooter on a 21,000-mile adventure from Colorado, USA north to Alaska and then south to Argentina and ultimately to the shore of Antarctica. You are welcome to share in this epic journey by following us on YouTube and Patreon.

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