Daily Summary:
10:00 AM to 2:30 PM
Livingston Campground to Big Timber, MT Super 8 Motel
Odometer: 5,177 – 5,216
Average Speed: 17 ? mph
Climb: 1418 ft. — Descend: 1804 ft.
45-55° F : Wind Gusting all directions 10-30 mph.
Battery Performance:
Note: All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.
— 140 —
It was cold again this morning.
I should have thought more about it.
After yesterday’s success replacing the rear tire (and no major cramps during the night from the hours of bending over yesterday!) I guess I was overly optimistic about getting a lot of mileage today.
After packing up, I enjoyed a wonderful hot breakfast at a nearby restaurant and then headed out of Livingston.
Again I was being foolish because I didn’t take notice of the strong variable winds.
I figured that it was only 39 miles to Big Timber where I planned to recharge, and I imagined that the head and side winds would be offset by the occasional tail wind.
I was wrong, again.

I also rode too fast trying to get to Big Timber as soon as possible to get a full charge.
Again, not smart.
The combination of high speed, strong winds and below 55°F temperatures took its toll and just about the time I was blissfully thinking, “Only a few more miles to go.” I felt the power drop off significantly.
I stopped to investigate and my heart sank as I discovered that only a few watts of power remained AND that I had a minimum of 4 miles to go to get to Big Timber!
I felt foolish and sad.
I had to push, again.

This time I was on a Montana Interstate highway with a wide shoulder and traffic flying by at 80 mph!
The section facing me was fairly level, but even the slightest uphill grade can make walking and pushing 500 pounds a chore.

If you doubt me, go ahead and try it sometime.
The 90-minute walk today reminded me of the other 90-minute workout I experienced on Day 2.
Four miles after I began pushing, I arrived at the Town Pump travel station next to a crowded Super 8 hotel.

I was sweating from the exertion, hungry, and definitely dehydrated.
After getting approval to charge the scooter, I grabbed a loaded sandwich, chips, and a couple of bottles of Powerade.
I grabbed one of the small tables in the Deli area, took off my wet coats, and tried not to shiver too much as I gobbled down the food and cold drinks.

It then occurred to me that the forecast was for another night of rain and that I had wet clothes, dirty laundry and a cold cough from being damp and chilled the previous two days, not including my current situation.
I decided to see if the hotel across the parking lot had any rooms. If so, I wouldn’t even ask how much I would just take it and assume God would show me how to pay for it.
They had one room left.

In a few hours I was clean, dry, warm and had clean laundry to last another week; not to mention enough free coffee to also last me a week!
God came through again, and I am so grateful!…
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