Daily Summary:
8:30 AM to 4:45 PM
Livingston Campground
Odometer: 5,177 – 5,177
Average Speed: 0 mph
Climb: 0 ft. — Descend: 0 ft.
40-65° F : Wind Gusting 10-50 mph.
Battery Performance:
Note: All charging and range data after the World Record Day will be published in Excel format at a later date.
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I woke up before dawn to horrendous winds, and BOTH the Scooter and the Trailer blew over again!
After battoning everything down, I walked into town looking for a tire shop.
There were none within 2 miles of the campground.
I noticed that my walking muscles were still a little sore from pushing the scooter yesterday.
On the way back to the campsite, I stopped by Ace Hardware to purchase the tools that I would need to change the scooter tire: a metric set of Allen wrenches and some long zip ties.

I also bought a short-handle hammer for my hammock stakes.
Angela, my eldest daughter, has again come to my rescue and is sending me a new scooter tire via UPS.
It should arrive tomorrow: hopefully in the morning so I have enough time to put it on…
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